How have El Nino and La Nina negatively affected our lives?

How have El Nino and La Nina negatively affected our lives?

The current hot weather and little rain have had a fundamental impact on people's health and daily activities. For instance, rising average temperatures can increase the number of heat strokes, strokes, and mortality rates. In addition, it can increase air and water pollution, which is harmful to health (cardiovascular and respiratory diseases).

Moreover, prolonged high and dry temperatures also greatly affect agricultural production, especially in the southern provinces where there are large rice granaries in the Mekong Delta.

So what is El Nino that can have such severe consequences on people's daily lives and economic activities?

El Nino is a climate phenomenon that occurs when the surface ocean layer in the equatorial Pacific Ocean warms up abnormally, lasting from 8 to 12 months or longer. This phenomenon usually appears every 3 to 4 years and has a major impact on weather and climate worldwide.

However, as El Nino is leaving, it is expected that with a probability of 55-56%, we will have to face La Nina - the storm that causes many extreme weather patterns!

La Nina, under the research of scientists, appears to bring negative and positive impacts to humans and marine life, specifically leading to a more intense storm season.

The appearance of La Nina means that cold waters in the equatorial and eastern Pacific regions cause winds in the upper Atlantic to decrease. As a result, wind shear in the atmosphere also decreases, creating conditions for large storms and hurricanes to appear in the Pacific Ocean.

When the storm appears, it will make regions in the Americas drier and hotter, causing drought in South America, while countries in Southeast Asia and Asia will suffer more rain, snow, and storms. "La Nina could also lead to a more intense hurricane season," the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) warned.

In addition, research shows that during La Nina, the waters of the Pacific Ocean are colder and contain more nutrients than normal. This environment supports more marine life and attracts more cold water species, like squid and fish.

Currently, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang requests ministries, branches, and localities to have appropriate response scenarios to unusual developments caused by the La Nina phenomenon.

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Reference: Comprehensive source

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